Lab-Grown Diamonds Solve A Lot Of Issues

Buying a diamond can be quite a process, and quite expensive, if you're looking for something rare or of extremely good quality. There are also some ethical issues that are mainly in the past but still influence how many buyers see diamonds today. Lab-grown diamonds solve a lot of these issues. These are real diamonds, just grown in a lab instead of in dirt and rock, and that lab origin is behind the stones' benefits.

Flawless for Less

Natural diamonds can have inclusions, or small flaws. A natural diamond that is flawless is fairly rare and an absolute treasure. But that means it's also very, very expensive. Lab-grown diamonds also tend to have inclusions, but they can be flawless, too, and just as rare. Yet the lab-grown flawless diamond is often more affordable than the natural flawless diamond because of its lab-grown nature. So, if you want a flawless or near-flawless stone, lab-grown may be easier on your budget.

You Can Get a Bunch of Colors

Lab-grown stones don't have to be clear only (or "white," in diamond terminology). Just as you can find natural diamonds in several colors, you can get lab-grown stones in several colors, but finding colored lab-grown diamonds may be easier. Really, if there's a way to color the stone, many labs will use it because the more colors they can offer, the more sales they can make. Even if you prefer white diamonds, take a look at the colored-diamond offerings from a few jewelers; it can be a lot of fun seeing the rainbow of colors that labs can produce.

No Worries About Conflict Diamonds

The diamond world has come a long way in stopping the flow of "conflict diamonds," also called "blood diamonds." The money raised through the sale of this type of diamond goes to fund a war, and in the past, many people shied away from diamonds because they didn't want to inadvertently purchase a conflict diamond. But now, most diamonds are thought to be conflict-free because of actions taken by several nations to track and certify stones from the point of mining to the point of sale.

Still, because some diamonds out there may still fall under the conflict umbrella, it's understandable if you haven't been keen on buying these stones. That's where lab-grown diamonds come in; they're totally conflict-free. They weren't mined using terrible labor practices; they were formed in a laboratory. If you like diamonds but want to completely avoid anything questionable, go for the lab-grown stones.

Because a non-jeweler may not be able to tell a natural diamond from one that's lab-grown, the jeweler selling them needs to label them. Look for a jeweler who labels all the stones they sell as natural or lab-grown so that you know what you're getting from the start. For more information, contact a diamond jeweler near you.
